Newborn Session Poses: The Bucket Pose | Boston Newborn Photographers
Newborn Photography - Bucket Pose Examples
The Bucket Pose:
To the right are some examples of the bucket pose from my newborn photography studio in Framingham, MA. This pose is where the baby is placed in a bucket/planter/box with most of their body inside the prop and their head resting gently on their arms outside of the prop.
The beauty of the newborn bucket pose lies in its versatility. There are some prop poses that only let the photographer get one or two images for a gallery, but the bucket pose is a different story. This pose allows for creative compositions, beautiful angles, close-ups, or wider shots. This a wonderful pose to get a great straight-on headshot of your newborn. Most poses won’t allow for this.
Positioning the baby in the bucket is relatively easy for photographers and the baby is very comfortable and tends to melt right into the prop. Sometimes I find it hard to move to the next scene because the baby is so relaxed and happy.
I highly recommend requesting this pose when planning your newborn session. You will be thrilled with the results!